The Pizza Hut story begins in May 1958. Dan and Frank Carney opened their 550-squarefoot pizza restaurant in Wichita, Kansas.
Frank rolled the dough with a rolling pin. Richard tossed the dough in the air from the pie tin. Dan filled the unbaked crust with sauce. John flipped the pie from the tin during the baking process. Dan Carney recalled, “The people were enchanted with the product, watching us tossing the dough over our heads. They were really enjoying themselves….”
The Carneys created an innovative, high quality, engaging, informal eating experience in a friendly neighborhood restaurant. Pizza Hut became a popular place with the teenage and college crowd. Pizza Hut attracted families that enjoyed a night out eating a meal that they would not be having at home. After the families left, Pizza Hut transformed itself into a hangout for college-age kids. Having a good time was an essential part of Pizza Hut. The idea caught on. A second Pizza Hut opened in December 1958 in downtown Wichita. By 1963, there were forty-two Pizza Hut restaurants.
Pizza Hut was always an entrepreneurial, innovative, fast-thinking place. It was the kind of organization where everyone shared the learning. As Frank Carney said, “To me, the biggest strength of Pizza Hut was that we had an awful lot of people who came up with great ideas.”
Yum! Brands, Inc., based in Louisville, Kentucky, has over 45,000 restaurants in more than 135 countries and territories and is one of the Aon Hewitt Top Companies for Leaders in North America. In 2018, Yum! Brands was recognized as part of the inaugural Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index. In 2017, Yum! Brands was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index and ranked among the top 100 Best Corporate Citizens by Corporate Responsibility Magazine. The company’s restaurant brands – KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell– are global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories. Worldwide, the Yum! Brands system opens over seven new restaurants per day on average, making it a leader in global retail development.
Belayab Foods production Plc. Was established in 2009 E.C. with a registered capital of 27.5 Million ETB with the aim of Franchising and or affiliating international food brands that have developed a unique and valuable system for the preparation, marketing and sell of certain quality food products in under various trademarks.
In 2009 E.C. Belayab Foods production Plc entered into an agreement with the American YUM! Restaurants international with the aim of launching Pizza Hut® restaurants in Addis Ababa. Morning Star Mall and NOC building near CMC.
At Pizza Hut Ethiopia, our vision is simple: to be the top choice for pizza lovers in Ethiopia. We strive to create a dining experience that combines mouthwatering flavors, exceptional service, and a welcoming atmosphere.
- Provide quality & affordable dining experience for the city of Addis & Ethiopia as a whole
- Become the leading restaurant service providing company in Ethiopia and The African continent.